Monday, March 31, 2008

The Heat is On

It's recently been brought to my attention that this Friday, April 4th, 2008, will mark the best halftime show in the history of Utah Jazz basketball games: Weiner Dog Racing.

That's right, only a few days from now tiny weiner dogs will run full speed across the court for a chance to win big. I'm not really sure what it is they will win; all I know is that I will be there to witness it.

If I had a weiner dog I would probably race it using one of these 'wein-o-racers', as they are called. It reminds me of head gear, and I really, really wish I could see this thing in action. Really.


Dallas Graham said...

At what point does an owner say:

"You know what honey? I was thinking this morning as I took Rufus (the pet weinerdog) out to do his duty, that he's got a pretty fast walk. I bet he'd be a fast racer. We should look into it..."



Angela, Grady and Boys said...

Way funny! I hope you have a great time watching them weiners tomorrow! I can't believe I'm going to miss it! You definately don't see that every day!

The O'Briens said...

We missed you at lunch today! You and your weenie dogs. I love it.

Jeremy said...

I feel sorry for the little guy and I don't even like animals! But who knows, maybe the little bastard just loves the thrill of the race. Who am I to deny him his pleasure? Tally-ho little weiner dog, tally-ho.