Friday, May 23, 2008

Need a Hero? Look no further.

For all of you who think weener dogs are only good for one thing--looking hilarious when running at full speed--you're right. And I think we can all agree that alone is worth purchasing one.

But in some cases, we find that weener dogs are worth far more than a good laugh, as was proved by Annie the weener dog recently when she heroically saved her owner. Sorta.

It just goes to show there's more to a long dog with short legs than meets the eye. Kinda like transformers.

Click the photo to watch the news segment...

Highlights for me: The owner's impression of the dog and the fact that the intersection where the incident occurred was Deemar and Mardee; hmmm...sounds like someone was strapped for unique street names...

Thanks to Audrey for sending me the link to this breaking news story... :)


The O'Briens said...

Robby had me watch this too. It was classic. I immediately thought of you.

Ms. White said...

i want to see more posts on your bloggy blog lovely! miss you!