Wednesday, February 27, 2008

So, last night I was privileged to watch 'King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters', a documentary about the battle for the title of Donkey Kong World Champion.

I'm sure most of you have seen this by now and have already died laughing at the gaming-nerd idiosyncrasies displayed shamelessly throughout the flick ('There's a possible kill screen coming up if you want to see this!'). Who could forget characters like the guy who discovered fingerless weight-lifting gloves in the 80s and never stopped wearing them to protect from joy-stick calluses? And you probably had to hold your side when Billy Mitchel, the reigning world champion of Donkey Kong, compared his issues in the gaming industry to abortion issues and compared himself to God.

In an interview I found that was conducted by a guy named Pete Freedman, he asked Mitchell about his other world title, that of 'Pac Man World Champion'. Mitchell relayed the events that ensued upon claiming the title, which involved an appearance on an Asian game show where he was 'flanked' by security guards when escorted to the stage. His quote regarding the event is classic.I

"It was like rock star status," Mitchell said. "I felt like George Bush."

Excuse me? I don't think I have the words to describe how hard that made me laugh. But, in an effort to make YOU laugh, here's a clip from an interview with Bobby. Again, classic.

If you haven't yet checked out this film, I highly recommend it. Hilarious.


heidikins said...

Hahahaha! That clip is fantasic! Must watch entire movie immediately!


Ems said...

hey I just found you! and weird...I also just watched this recently. thanks for that clip though, amazing.